Located near Anderlecht's canal, the COOP center aims to help people discover this part of town and its development. Switch produced several video-based and animation-based tools as part of an interactive exhibition

Help people learn about the Canal district and its history

Target audiences

Young people aged 12 to 18 and audience of neighbourhood associations


Equipping a brand new exhibition

In 2015, the COOP center moved to the banks of Anderlecht’s canal, inside a former industrial flour mill in the heart of a rapidly changing neighbourhood. Switch was asked to create a series of devices aiming to equip the neighbourhood’s discovery center.

Animated videos on social movements

We started by producing two informative videos about the birth of social movements in Brussels and the issue of the right to housing. We opted for a technique combining animation and archival photos, with a touch of humour on top.

Travelling through time on a barge

We then created an immersive installation allowing the visitor to cross the Brussels Canal on a barge… back in 1890. We projected an animated video reproducing the Canal’s surroundings on the walls and the ceiling of the center for a full immersion.

Aerial view of the Canal

Last but not least, Switch was asked to produce a video allowing the visitor to travel the Canal as it is today, by air. We used a drone to capture aerial images from the Canal’s mouth in Charleroi.


Nicolas Stinglhamber
Antonella Lacatena
Nicolas Stinglhamber
Rocio Alvarez
Video & Editing
Yann Verbeke
Video mapping
Jerémie Mazurek